Gay sex gay bar porn

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My eyes discretely took in the fit looking muscular guys. The guys in the bar were 30-40ish on average. Guys were coming and going, farewells and greetings with high fives and hugs. Some guys were flirting with the barmaids and even girlfriends of their buddies, which by all appearances was not just one way.

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I hope nothing more serious happens while I’m here, like an all out fight. There were 6 pool tables, where now and then scuffles and shouting broke out as tensions rose over something that they disagreed over, ending most times in staring and verbal insults. Guys sat swigging beer from bottles and those that smoked drawing deeply on their cigarettes and blowing clouds of smoke out their mouth and down their nose. I glanced around, there were tables scattered around littered with empty bottles. I drifted into a straight bar the first thing that struck me was the testosterone-laden atmosphere, guys shouting and cursing. I was looking for that adrenaline rush that you get when hunting for sex in an unsafe hostile environment. I revel in and enjoy the gay scene frequenting gay bars and clubs, lately tho I have been fantasizing about having sex with straight guys.

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